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Will DJT actually do most of what he says he will

| I mean, Trump (from his perspective) absolutely *had* to win the election or he would spend, especially at his age, the rest of his life in prison. So yeah, of course he'd tell people that he'd abolish income taxes, or deport all the immigrants, and whatever - literally whatever it takes to get to 270.

On the other hand, he will have a whole network ready to implement the worst of his agenda from the get-go, so he'll certainly be more prepared.

| Still, I think that if he actually tries his most fringe shit like the across the board tariff, it would inevitably turn the public against him if he crashes the economy and would result in a massive blue wave in the midterm. So he'll have plenty of incentive to, if not cancel, at least moderate those kinda things.

| You're asking if the compulsive liar will keep his promises? Really?

| >Trump is a dangerous fascist that is going to destroy America, just like he promised
>You're asking if the compulsive liar will keep his promises?
hey baby, are you danish? 'cause you're copenseethen

| no. fuck all politician! vote for me, I'm a gamer.

| The Vance connection to the project 2025 is kinda spooky. But it'll just bring the country inline with China and Russian in terms of authoritarianism. It sucks but I think globally we will moving in that direction anyway to deal/or not deal. with the climate.

| Honestly I'm OK with Trump as long as he's more harsh on Putin and Xi

| IF he keeps his promises (he made 93 of them)

| trump might not but i expect the republican party will...

| >>1032387
I read a paper about something that happens similar in the US Senate a few weeks back. you would expect that the younger senators would be much more reactionary and talk on the floor really often but its actually the older folks who are more "out there" and active in the Senate, mostly because they have a lot less time than the younger senators to get their name out there and have achievements on their record

| here we go

| no wait
Matthews, D. R. (1959). The Folkways of the United States Senate: Conformity to Group Norms and Legislative Effectiveness. American Political Science Review, 53(04), 1064–1089. doi:10.2307/1952075 

| Thank you for sharing smart g/u/rl! I’m not really a fan of senate people and it seems to trivial maybe? But I feel bad saying that a little. I don’t want to read it but I’m going to share the next academic paper I think you might like on here!

| >>1032492 is he tho? is he gonna be?
the only people he was hard on was immigrants and the Kurds for some reason

Total number of posts: 14, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1731397477

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