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oooph, tired

| hi hi hi, Job-chan here !

so my first job shortened the hours, and pushed me and my coworkers from 28-36 hrs a week to maybe 18. so naturally i started spewing resumes on every job site, and on day 3, i recieved a callback after 20 minutes of applying to a local event hall. i went in for an interview and serendipitously, the wife of my local bar's owner was in the HR department and practically squealed recognising me. i was hired on the spot !!

| Did you have sex?

| my first shift was saturday (that just passed) and i had an 11 hour shift bartending open bar for a wedding. my coworkers are all similarly jaded and sardonic, and the management is friendly and approachable. the wedding was...a shitshow. apparently it was an anomaly, according to my coworker, but man, the dudebro groomsmen and groom himself were like...a problem--

| rude, demanding, breaking glasses and annoying the bridesmaids, demanded more drinks after the contractual time when we had closed the bar...the groom himself tried to go behind the bar and tap himself beer hhh.

but we had a nice debrief where we all shared drinks and divvied tips. and since i only get 2-3 shifts a week i can definitely hack this

| >>1032008
i did not !!

| Go jobchan go!!
What did you do when the groom tried to go behind the bar? I'd be scared of getting hurt.

Do you have a different look for this place? Do you use some kinda secret techniques you've mastered with your jobs?

| >>1032011
lets have sex!

| I'll be the bed!

| >>1032044
kiss! You're so supportive!

| >>1032035
i brusquely admonished him while pushing forward in a way that had him stumbling back. if he was more aggressive it probably wouldn't have worked.

| >>1032035
also yeah, the job demands i wear black dress shirts and slacks, as well as a black tie. its not terrible however. and honestly, its easier than any pub work ive done ... mostly using timed spouts and a pressurized drink gun instead of a shaker

| >>1032072
That’s based as fuck. If he was more aggressive you could get out of there probably. If you die mixing drinks and changing lives put it in your will to have them make a post here and we’ll go avenge you

| >>1032009
Weddings can be these rowdy huh.

| Congrats on the new job Job-chan!

Total number of posts: 14, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1730805466

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