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never gonna goon

| anti gooners and nofappers itt keep eachother motivated

| it's the lack of motivation that made me a nofapper

| >>1031739
it’s the lack of motivation that made me a fapper..

| my bestie always shills the no porn thing, which in a way I think is the worst of both worlds, because I've been exposed to some very interesting ideas from porn I've read, but last night I was a bit horny, but wanted to try it.

I thought for a bit and after 5 minutes or so I struck upon the memory of some extremely arousing pornography I once enjoyed, now lost to entropy, I felt very aroused, and paced for a moment, enjoying the feeling.

| Usually I'm fixated on the pornography or physical act of masturbating, but thinking on that image and that scenario, and feeling the arousal pumping through me as I paced was enjoyable in an invigorating and new way! I highly recommend it.

I set up in my usual way to masturbate, sans the phone of course, and got to it, maintaining a good rythem leading to a fulfilling orgasm.

I'm not sure I'll be masturbating within the next week, and may not be able to update the thread.

| I just masturbated for 5 hours.

| >>1031743
>Schlicking to your arousing thoughts
This is different from regular masturbation?

| kein goonen. nein nein nein!

| the last time I got an erection was 4 year ago

| Fuck you. I'm gonna start gooning now just because you said that.

| I just masturbated for 5 hours and 1 second.

| >>1031739

Duality of g/u/rls

| never gonna goon you up
never gonna goon u down
never gonna goon around
or insert yooouu

| 28 more days to go.

| I love gooning and I love gooners!
Keep gooning!

| flicker gooning Elon Musk Trump gluck gluck 4000

| Never goona goon you up

| nutting constantly

| >>1031735 Don't you want to be hypnotised to be a cute conformist office lady and serve your sexy girl boss CEO :3

| >>1032024
not if she's greedy and mean!
but yeah....

| how are yall masturbating for so long??
i orgasm just once and that's all my body can physically handle for the day

| wait i might just be a closet bottom

| Well when I masturbate in an unhealthy way I spend a lot of time looking through boorus. Sometimes 2 orgasms, 60%of the time probably 1 orgasm, a few times 3or 4 in a 5 hour session. But only maybe 30 minutes or that is spent physically stimulating myself, most of it is looking at porn and maybe lightly touching myself.

I find the ‘getting ordered around by a big lady’ stuff positively cute and angelic, because my gooning experience is completely devoid of human love or connection

| I don’t even experience myself existing when i masturbate badly. There is pain and tiredness, there is fear of discovery and disappointment, but I am not acted upon, I am not part of what is imagined, there is no role for me, no existence of myself, only the erotic scene playing out, til it quickly grows too little, and more, ever more I must find, running like a starving wolf across the booru til my fate ends my task.
I wish you joy and connection in your gooning dear reader

| >>1031868
my lad. ive done the 30 its my highest amount. also have failed a couple times while trying it. never feel discouraged and if u fail go easy on yoursel and get at it again only when youre ready. good luck non conforming anti gooner. youre well on your way. wagmi. hi test. never goon never troon. maga chud

| >>1032069
I think I even went further last year. I was abstaining so why not go even longer. I plan to do DDD so I might now follow that.

I don't feel the withdrawals now. Not sure when they'll return. 2nd day withdrawals were kinda severe.

| Now I'm feeling sad and now I want to goon so badly.

| >>1032165 make sure to post pic

| >>1031891
if..if you encourage me like that..i may never be unable to stop gooning!

| >>1032354 I love you gooner! You're very lovely!

| >>1032380

| Aaah...uuggh...aaar...aaa....i-...im ... IM FiNNa GoooOOOooOOooOOooOnn AAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!1

Total number of posts: 32, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1731038695

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