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fire and cinder

| Somedays I just wish my university burned to the ground with all inside.
All these happy folks. Those who dance. Those with a place at the sun.
Them and their partners shall burn in the fire they do not see or care for.
The keystone to my sanity is made of pumice and each day it is chipped away by the passing crowds I pass myself.
One day I'll fucking snap, g/u/rls, I'm telling you.

| please take good care of yourself g/u/rl

| Try adderal!!! I feel so much more at peace and able to enjoy learning.

| Can I come and take a free rent too? I hope there is also free wifi and free food too.

| lol cute

| I want you OP

| Cute af, Can I add you on discord?

Total number of posts: 7, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1730437999

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