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Tell me to kms

| But in like creative ways.

| you will continue to live in interesting times and you will experience events

| Have sex and have fun.

| Cut pic

| Talking to me is basically already telling you to do it.

| no, fuck you mouth

| Love yourself and life will last forever. Touch yourself to feel a little pleasure!

| Damn you guys suck at this, bucha bitch ass wussies

| kys or I'm gonna kms

| have tried to make a lineage of people who wants to kill you?


| >>1031656 *fucks your mouth*

| kiss yourselves gurls
sincerely da ~guys

| >>1031689 ew guys can go fucking die only girls are allowed on this form, dumb fucking lame ass ugly loser

| >>https://dangeru.us/tech/thread/1029545#comment-1029665 Kill yourselt

- deeeb7

| >>86f5ae sonis that what this is, the female milk toast version of 4chan? You know they have boards for your ilk over there too right?

Also OP can kill themselves

| who in their right mind would name their kid sonis?

| Just wait long enough.

| >>1031717
Maybe she's a runner! And she could die her hair blue!!

| >>1031717 Chris-chan?

Total number of posts: 20, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1730646522

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