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Britain is sleepwalking its way to a society of ethnic enclaves


| >sleepwalking
this is unstated government policy (could even call it 'bipartisan', first of all
second, when was the last time you've gone to london?

| gurl who just discovered the existence of chinatowns and little italies

| Britain deserves to have slaves

| >>1031590

| *slavs

| It's a troll thread and I bet OP is a friendless loner.

| "The US is sleepwalking its way to a society of ethnic enclaves" - anglos when italians, then irish, then catholics, then africans, then jamaicans, then chinese, then koreans, then mexicans enter the nation and becoming stronger each time :P

| British ppl

| Peeple

| Пхахазпхпхха, Я просто скопировал кусочек текста из древнего совкового словаря, а у англофонов очки порвались! ГООООООЛ

| [ˈsliːpˌwɔːk]
 1) ходить во сне (о лунатике)
 2) разговорное делать что-л., не отдавая себе в этом отчёта
  Britain is sleepwalking its way to a society of ethnic enclaves. — Британия незаметно для самой себя превращается в общество этнических анклавов.

| >>1031623 парннь ты далбоеб

| >>1031627 Наоборот, он гений.

| Гойда!

| >>544bbb
Not all immigration is the same, nor does each immigration happen in the same cultural context. It can't, because time keeps ticking. My humble opinion is that this time is different. At the very least, one must consider the sheer difference in culture between the host culture, the new "enclaves" and even the Chinese same of yesteryear. Tldr: "Islam is right about women".
There's a lot more to be said of course, OP is being very vague.

| >>1031703
What kind of differences? you're being equally vague...

| We were talking about the ethnic races not the women and men races though.

I think so long as people are made to bow to a giant statue of scientists and we select maybe half of people's genes artificially to be really smart scientist type genes we can deal with ethnic differences, be they sexual or browness-related but we can't have people who object to that and are trying to fulfill a different culture.

But my culture isn't popular so I support tolerance til science fansmajority

| Ah yes, <entire country> is <inaction> towards a <phenomenon that requires action>
... Ok, so who's doing it?
Oh, y'know. Them. The people who do the bad things. Nondescript individuals fitting the criteria.

| I really prefer my politics pointed. Places, people, times, logical procession of events. Something to consume that's not just navel gazing a million people.

| >>1031768
That’s a really good idea! And that way you can find solutions too! Could we perform unprotected breeding in order to mix our blood, helping to create a new race?

| >>1031800
Only racing we're gonna do is to the bottom of the barrel, g/u/rl.

| Waaaaaaaaaaaa you made me upset now we need to spoon and you can hold me close under your warm sheets

Total number of posts: 23, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1730606297

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