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Need to be inspired

| So i can do something big. extravagant. or just. uh...many?
I mean there are these https://www.creativeuncut.com/
and these
https://www.neoseeker.com/metalwalker/concept_art/ or whatever youtube got from archive dot org , so on.

i just, basically, cant get myself past very little amount, evenm with all my effort.
whats 600k too,anywya.

| cool phishing scam bro, too bad im not clicking it B)

| >>1031432 what's the worse things now that there is no record of my interaction in heyuri? Like, you d shoot John yourself? Everyones a bad aim anyway. For your own good. The moon and stars mustnt hit water too. It ll crack like your favorite shower wall. Or rust, being extra empathethical. I mean, you don't even handle me giggle. Yeah, I guess tht was the keyphrase isn't it. Baby cries too. It's like you didn't do a thing.

| Ah shit, the AI Bots spamming here?

| >>1031455 yes, but this isn't one, this is worse. It's Indonesian.

| >>1031456
wasn't there company that rented out AI chat bots but it turned out to be low-paying indonesians doing all the work

| >There was a report that surfaced in 2020 claiming that some chatbot services marketed as AI-driven were actually operated by low-paid workers from the Philippines. These workers were tasked with managing conversations that were supposed to be handled by AI bots.

Company name was “TaskUs.”

| >>1031459
Couldn't find an article or any mention from the Internet about that.

Total number of posts: 8, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1730169057

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