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Was Jill a lurker?

| We never see her post anything since she only talks to her cat when she browse dangeru. If she posted which posts do you think were hers? I doubt it's the ones in all caps.

| you mean that "game" this site was based of? idk gurl I don't read hundred of wall of text slice into small piece in a box while having a character visual of top of it acting like they're talking. I thought it was a meme, who actually "play" that?!

| >>165954 Let me guess. TCG player?

| I feel like Jill would be the type to write out a long well thought out post and then get embarrassed and erase it all without posting.

| >>1031423 fuck you mouth

| >>1031427 no, I hate video games

| >>1031446
I will gamer gate you.

| >>1031438
Yeah, I can see her doing something like that.

There's a post about how *Kira* Miki came into someones workplace but I can't remember if this was before or after she showed up to Va-11 Hall-A. If I rememeber correctly this is posted the night before Jill meets *Kira* but if I'm wrong it's likely one of Jills posts.

| Jill is a hawk tuaher

| Jill is 50kchan and she only posts while drunk after work trying to get out of glitch city and failing

Sorry LIBERAL- life doesn’t HAVE a happy ending

Total number of posts: 10, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1730164964

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