I gave a compliment today

| I saw this 34 year old guy take his shirt off in a conversation about how old he was and i said his body wasn't old because he had a six pack
He said thank you :)

| read that as 14 the first time- blue archive kun- no!!!

I bet you made him feel happy. you must be pretty attractive too cause you're so sweet ;3

| do you fantasizing about him choking and press his body weight on you while on the bed too?

| >>1031296
I do when I read your posts...

| >>1031301 tell your roommate about it.

| >>1031325
I live with my dad...

| >>1031327 tell him about it, then move out and get a roommate.

| >>1031296 woah. .>///<

Total number of posts: 8, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1730171569

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