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humans are icky

| and sweaty
and sticky
and gross

they've got smelly breaths and fingerprint stains and armpit hair and pimples

| The human body is just the vessel that contains us.
Some day, maybe we'll replace it with steel, or release ourselves to the net.

| >>1031197

they also got dick so thats pretty awesome

| just develop an emotional attachment to a human and their body becomes nice and sexually attractive. it's not hard you lainpilled braincel

| >>1031216 truest /u/ I ever witness

| >>1031216 one of the truest /u/ I ever witness

| Have you tried having sex?

| >>1031216 >>1031229
I think I prefer pissing my time away on internet forums more.
I don't feel a need to change my preferences.

| >>1031247 keep staying wired and find what you enjoy the most, it's a mistake from others to leave garbage all over the roads and expect anything to hold up as time goes on
the network will soon become a better place than what any mortal material could ever just dream to offer

| >>1031270
you will shrivel in your pods while we endure the harsh grey hoarfrost, and become a dominant primitive species that will one day overcome and overthrow you, our netscaped oppressors

| I’m going to simulate being pink and snuggly with all my g/u/rls when someone like me is run on a computer! I want to touch all of you all over your bodies!!

| Man, what a cross section...

Total number of posts: 12, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1730008312

This thread is permanently archived