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Is the USA analog horror?

| https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QAnon#/media/File:QAnon_Dealey_Plaza4.jpg

Like this is some shit straight out of Monument Mythos
I wish my brain was so cooked I could live in their fantasy world

| >>1030978
Isn't their world a really unhappy place where paedophiles are torturing people and all they can do is protest? I want to hold you.I think you're beautiful, particularly the face you made in reaction to my post ; )

| I got dmed about the diddy stuff yesterday and holy shit is this really what happens in the US? Literally sounds like a netflix-quality porno

| >>1031006 yeah holy shit the us is real

| They had that orange revolution in holland where I guess people connected to the government were covering up for a guy kidnapping rape slaves, I think they got removed from power.
There was also jimmy savill and grooming gangs in the UK.
And I think Russia probably has bad shit going on too.
People need to control their sexual desire and not hurt people because of it!

| I hate the youth


| Maybe one day wanton, ultimately human desires won't have that power.
Not today though.

| >>1031057

But we control them a little at least.

| >>2fa99b I don't think you should do that

| the europoid mind cannot grasp the lovecraftian horror of america (the horror is black people and italians)


| >>1031181 sensei..

Total number of posts: 13, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1729810589

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