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Wondering what you g/u/r/ls think

| The reason I want to kill myself isn't because I think people would be better off without me, but rather I actually consider my emotions for once. I want to kill myself because I genuinely can not take it anymore, and the only reason I haven't yet is because I know the people around me are just like me.

| They're going to try and shoot their brains their brains out with a fucking bb gun, because obviously, someone they cared about died. It's funny because some of those people are the exact reason why I want to kill myself.

| Also when I mean the people around me, I mean friends and family.

| >The reason I want to kill myself
then go kill yourself. are you waiting for applause

| sonny boy, before I met my wife me has always contemplated killing myself, never had the courage to do so tho. hope life gets better for you.

cant give you advice on how to push through it because it just happened for me.

and for my thoughts on your situation, if you cant kys yet then dont. cant promise a better life but try to outlive nikocado

| >>1030921
and if you actually do consider your feelz, then resolve them instead of kngys

| I only think about sex.

| I think you're cute, sent cut pic

| >>1030921
Yep. Took some long hard looks at my shotgun too. Sure ain’t easy being lonely, but I’m a real man and I have a tractor and 18 wheeler and machine shop and yep life is pretty good now. Glad we could chat on this men forum for boys-Jeff
Life can be pretty happy- mine is. I wish your life would just be happy like mine. Suicide upsets Ms- it seems like such a waste- like having a cake in front of you and throwing it away. I wish I knew how to make you happy

| You're just doing the work someone else would wish to legally do

| Just work on replacing humanity with machines. Machines won't get depressed, and then who's laughing, huh?
Take that cold hard steel, reality.

| Carrie Fisher would've wanted you to stay alive just so you can tell everyone to fuck off.

| >>1030915 if you truly want to trust the word of a stranger on the internet (me)
Then allow me to enlighten you:

Life is better than not existing, always.

That's the simple dogma mostly everyone can agree on (including people that considered suicide on some point of theie lives but now they don't)

Try! Try! Keep going and keep trying!

Even if you feel tired or feel like it's not even worth the try, just keep trying!
You're gonna make it out of this one!

| >>1031119
too much of an optimist, life will always be about chances and being not stupid to take the wrong chance

| >>1031220 Regrets, sure, but the value of something you don't have should never overshadow you. That's just dumb. Like, maybe you wanna be some symbol of perfection or some shit but whatever, we aren't perfect, we aren't always even good, but we have the ability to act and react to stimuli at a basic level. Unless you're dead or in a coma there's something *to do*.

The only reason to not want to do *anything* is because you don't care about being real or the real world.
Then what?

| What world will be left? This is literally it and there's already a thousand lifetimes of shit to do. This is as open world as it gets.

| “ Unless you're dead or in a coma there's something *to do*.” awww I liked this.
I think if you’re about to get tortured to death you should kill yourself, but you’ve got a great spirit.

| >>1031278 if you're about to be tortured, wouldn't it make more sense to try to escape and live instead?

| >>1031282
at some point the statistics come into it. you're supposed to multiply probability by expected outcome.

I multiply giving up by being worthless. I like you a lot g/u/rl. Thanks for being you.

| >>1031302
That's not how statistics work

| >>1031361 60% of the time...

| >>1031466
...it works every time!

| instead of kys pack all your belongings you care about, go to your local freight yard, and jump on (not in front of) the next train south
you can always kys l8r

Total number of posts: 23, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1730359329

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