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Century egg & squid pizza.

| Extend the claw for pizza hut naughty pizza. Creativity without limits, challenge your taste buds

| cool phishing scam bro, too bad im not clicking it B)

| strawberry & kiwi pizza xD

| god i fkin love century eggs

| also love chicken feet

| and mmmm pizzaa

| wtf is a squid

| Not clicking that, but I wonder who was the genius at pizza hut taiwan who thought "yeah we should make a bot that promotes our products on obscure websites by posting a reddit link"

| My future boyfriend that’s who!! Hey cutie I think you’re pretty smart with technology! Want a cool internet g/u/rlfriend?

| >>1030853 i was so excited for century egg in title i immediately opened link <:(

| >>1030889 (me)
Okay I actually opened it and... that would certainly "challenge your taste buds"

| Let's all go to Taiwan for Halloween so we can get Taiwanese Halloween Pizza and we can have sex too

| Yay! I want to wear cute Chinese roabs which drape over my hands

Total number of posts: 13, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1729737034

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