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What if heroin people are lying?!

| What if they aren’t really worse off? What if they are making their not feeling pain more after a period of heroine use because they’re like bodybuilders training their not feeling pain circuits and ‘withdrawal’ is just them getting stronger? Doesn’t the CIA who had all those Nazi scientists love heroine? It’s still bad for you to exercise all the time without rest though so using it a bunch would probably be bad- you’d want to figure out how it works.

| I kinda wanted to share my quirky idea. If any of you are pain scientists it might be worth working into but please don’t hurt yourself with drugs abuses ok g/u/rls? Nice g/u/rls like you deserve not to be hurt and in pain. I hope they figure out too get rid of it some day. I love you- mwah!

| Cut and post pic

| brb, going to buy heroin off my frie--I mean a PS4 off my friend.

| I’ll cut you if you tell my friends to cut >:/

| >>1030679 cute

| >>1030738
*kiss* I love my friends

| >>1030754 i love you ! !

Total number of posts: 8, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1729493489

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