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what a week

| hiii~ Job-chan reporting in !

so some updates: the new hire ive been training is doing well enough but our head chef is really abrasive and she has like the thinnest skin...im trying to reassure her but it feels tough sometimes. i hope she can overcome it, but i also wish the chef could be more accommodating and told him as much. past that things are okay and i may have a nice windfall on the way from my (late) tax returns...provided they arent clawed back for student debt

| i also deleted all my social media a few weeks ago and ive been better than ever ! no more doomscrolling, no more spikes of depression or visceral reactions of annoyance or anger...i kept messenger for my work gc and my insta bcus i just post the odd selfie every few months and frankly im happier for it

i just play freecell on my phone when i get bored now, and ive been spending a lot of time cooking because my roommate is still on the mend. its super therapeutic and rewarding

| anyhow !! provided my money clears im absolutely buying a new queen sized bed and covering november's rent, and we can see from there

| ahhh i feel great lately :3 anyhoo gotta sleep, and as always i hope alla youse are doing great too <3

| A gurl said you're not the same one as NEET turn bartender gurl, is this true?

| Ganbare Job-chan! You're doing great!

| captain, it's only wednesday

| Job-Chan!! We are all cheering you on : )

| Hello job-chan!

| >>1030475
Do you end up doom-scrolling on here or on the web? I have that problem.

I was a little worried about how much you had on your plate before and the new hire. I’m happy to hear you got through all that.

| >>1030484
correct, i am a career bartender and the other gurl is a bartender who has interest in coding or computer technology iirc

| >>1030487 >>1030502 >>1030516
hello and ty all, encouraging words always help me stay motivated!


i would doomscroll twitter...its such a cesspool, im so happy i deleted it

| lmao just realised i have 3 different ids because of my home and work wifis as well as just data

| ehehe

| Yeah I used to be way worse when I used Twitter. Is your bartender career going to be ok when you get old? Do only young and pretty people get tips?

| >>1030568
hah, i hope to own my own bar by the time im old. or...older, i guess. and definitely not !! obviously at clubs or certain types of establishments, young, attractive people are hired for optics etc, but by and large bartending is a gig dominated by middle aged people that have dedicated regulars keeping them afloat

| >>1030576
Cool! I heard bars are declining but I bet you’re coming to understand what people pay for really well : ) thanks for lending an ear, I guess you’re the bartender of this site too ^^

| The younger generation are drinking less which is viewed as a good thing unless you're the Japanese tax agency lmao fuck em

| But I like going to bars but its not a week thing, or even a monthly thing. Where I live the bar scene is either depressingly dead inervalled with boosts of full octane partying. Theres nothing in between.

Total number of posts: 19, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1729245306

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