Any Dangerous Opinions Out There?

| Kirby and the Amazing Mirror was hands down the best Kirby game.

| I love sex.

| Damn, sex sure is dangerous, you'd better avoid it.

| I really like open source software

| Dragon ball evolution was a groundbreaking production, a pioneer movie and should be remembered as such

| embracing insanity is better than coping

| Graduate antinatalism is the only moral political stance

| >>1030418 i'm going to fuck your mom's lower mouth and give her a daughter she actually loves

| Throwing hands shouldn't be illegal people some people NEED to get jumped to learn to be decent humans in public

| >>1030418
Sounds like incel coping tbh

| >>1030509
I really disagree. This creates a climate where brutal people shape the mental landscape. I can see an argument for it here and there though.

| >>1030509
in certain moments perhaps but real. too many walkin around with an air of superiority feelin like they can talk so much shit and not get shit for it

| In IT is not many girls, so boys are becoming girls

| >>1030526 naw if someone starts to enforce wrong beliefs you know what people do? Beat em up

| dangerous opinions? I think everyone on this board is a fucking retard

| >>1030681 naw man cold take this board has been shit for years

| I think we’ve had some smart conversations lately actually!

| >>1030685 hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

| >>1030695
There’s a doctor posting one thread over. Hmph

| C the best programming language!

| Being cringe is positive and challenges the status quo in a meaningful way

| >>1030726
oh very much so. Also not being like other girls is REALLY GOOD.

And I don't like cultures where people are constantly posturing their strength, and things being good is backed only by the appearance of strength, not anything moral. My friend read a book and calls it 'honor culture' but I think it should be called strength culture because honor can mean a lot, including really good things.

| >>1030727
Spittin omgg

| >>1030761

| >>1030725
Reject abstraction. Embrace assembly.

| Grade schoolers are not that hot

| rust > c

| I'm Poppy, and, college is bull shit, school is bull shit, they don't actually do much a lot of the time.

| We don't need to education~
We don't need no thought control~

>Yes you do; you've just used a double negative

| >>1030837
YEAH TELL EM- I support changing English to make it better though. I quite like the singular they for instance. I would point out that making the statement ‘we don’t need tight control’ is thought control. That is to say, your thoughts will be controlled by your environment no matter what you do, you should point out rather the uselessness and cruelty of the Scottish teacher in that video’s thoughts, rather than the control itself.

| >>1030806
Everyone own.
Combination there?

| >>1030827
c = int rust dt.

| >>1030806

... except I prefer just the opcodes.

| >>1030840 >>1030837

I'd like to believe the lyrics are a double negative intentionally... it's mockery.

I also *really* doubt that you're supposed to view 'thought control' in a vacuum. The whole song screams 'thought control [by the teacher upon the student]' and the album extends this to 'thought control [by a society that wants to produce uneducated, beaten workers]'.

Yeah, those two clipped phrases don't *explicitly* say that. They don't have to... Context... context is key.

| Manosphere gurus gaslight men into chasing after fictional trad wives while they monopolize the easy to get ones

| >>1030913
That’s a very fair point g/u/rl. All of language and understanding is about connections and context. I guess I just always hear it in isolation and without real efforts to help people, just an emotional high, and that made me irritable, but that’s a very admirable message to sing.
I don’t think manosphere gurus have wives. And if they do, I haven’t heard of any who became really successful using their wives, so their wives probably aren’t very important.

| I think more they’re more just feeding into negative behavioral patterns, but also I think they’re right- like rolo tomassi’s talk that when women are horny they want grrr bad exciting guys and when they’re not they want respectful friends around them seems to be accurate. I think it models male sexuality too, it’s just males have higher testosterone so they’re in ‘need exciting dominant sex’ mode more.

| I don’t like relationships based on sexuality because of this because it’s schizophrenic and naturally unstable, and things like the coolige effect where male sexual attraction to the same person massively declines and moves on to other targets. And if you have children or age together you will find each other’s bodies less sexy. If sexuality was a soldier in my army I would execute it for treason.

| >>1030958
>They don't have wives
They hate women (or at least belittle them), why would they have wives.

>bad exciting guys
Got to earn her trust though before you can even act like that in the bed I think.

>Relationship based on sexuality
Isn't that just called friends with benefits or I don't know.

>No longer sexy when you grow older
I think the default human body is ugly by nature. People should just accept that instead of trying to mold your body to something it's not.

| >why would they have wives
yeah you said it. It would honestly be disrespecting themselves too to live with people they dislike.
>Got to earn her trust though before you can even act like that in the bed I think.
I sure hope so g/u/rl. But you gotta be careful for sure. I think the dynamic of 'you should respect me so you can disresepect me' also just gives me a headache.
>body is ugly
yeah I can see it. I do think smiles and shiny eyes are always pretty though,

| and people shouldn't be ashamed of their bodies or upset if they can help it. It's nice when people can get happiness from their and other bodies, but the competition to be beautiful and losers getting hurt really upsets me a lot. Molding your body in an enjoyable way into something which makes you and others happier is really nice, but I don't like 'you need to go through pain to be one of us, and if things change, we're done with you.'

Total number of posts: 41, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1729620187
