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Lockheed Martin

| I think we should have more trans gurls in the industry.

| >let's incorporate queer people into imperialism
oh jesus christ.

| >>1030294
Nazis did it

| I think they’re an ok environment. I think the fabrication side is a little cold, maybe not the best place for a softer gurl.
You should consider whether imperialism is actually bad. It brought rail roads and english to Africa and created the United States and modern china, both places which lead the world forward.

| >>9488b8
Don't know exactly everything they do, but they must have a software department, right? I think that'd be perfect for magical gurls like me and others, since it's not often that we can make our code do unlimited physical destruction and other sparkly things.

| >>1030351
Yep! I hope you won’t hesitate to apply! I don’t have qualifications lol so I’m still working on education. Need an internship though…

| They have good employee benefits and lgbtq policies

| Lockheed martin is another one of those companies that puts a rainbow up on pride month and I find that very fucking funny, one of the companies who probably has the highest kill count is like " yaaaay I'm so happy for you, yaas queen bomb the middle east"

| As a trans women I would be happy to work for lock Mart though I am an ncd scitzo so not sure if I'd qualify

| >>1030554
Doesn’t look so bad! It would be awesome if you did get it!

| >>1030293 and what do your think 10%+ of people in IT are?

| >>1030554 trans person being schizo. Classic

| >>1030507 More trans drone controllers

Total number of posts: 13, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1729209561

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