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Make America gay again


| pipe barrel shotgun

| mario PIPE ?!??!??!!! in THE PIPE in mario HAVE THE COINS?!!?!??HAVE COINS IN the PIPE in mario?mario PIPE with having coins in mario PIPE jump in the jump into a PIPE for HAVING COINS in mario he eats the MUSHROOM he JUMPS IN THE PIPE he has COINS MARIO COINS and items. he has them in the PIPE that is where they are in a PIPE????!!??!?!??!!!!is this wat you mean. what are you mean PIPE like in mario jumping a PIPE.to get COINS and items out of the PIPE A PLUMBER mario!!???!??!?!

| i want
suck dick

| america never was straight. it was always lame and gay and fake

| >>1030230
real. even superstraight homophobes in america are actually closeted gays

| >>1030352 superstraight homophobes tend to be closeted gays everywhere, as the matter of fact.

| >>1030355
Not in Russia!

| Again? When was it in the past

| >>1030422
Aids epidemic

| >>1030514
Russia is a traditional country! Maybe you shouldn’t treat your AIDS so much and glorify it and you’ll solve it one day like Russia is!

| >>1030514 that was homophobic america people thought only says could get it. You still think this????

Total number of posts: 12, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1729117541

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