Words of Wisdom

| Keep your anger from becoming meanness.

Keep your sorrow from collapsing into self-pity.

Keep your heart soft enogh to keep breaking. Keep your anger turned towards justice, not cruelty.

Don't use your word against yourself.

Remind yourself that all of this, every bit of it, is for love.

Stay fiercely kind.

| etc.

| Have sex and have fun.

| >>1030084 I'm good at this
you're empty if you don't ever move, you're blind if you ignore, you're alone if you accept enjoyment
I wonder how it'd be a positive version of this

| etc.

| >>1030084
Yeah!! I really like the ‘all of this for love’ part. Even when I don’t feel good, I at least try to remember I making things better is important and a little good, even if I’m not going to feel intensely in the moment.

Total number of posts: 6, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1728911844

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