danger/u/ is a normie propaganda

| Don't let your children read it

| Good thing I'm 12

| Good thing I'm 11

| good thing I don't have children

| Good think I'm 10 and know binary

| Good thing I'm 01 and know binary

| Good thing im a aborted fetus

| Good thing I don't even fucking exist

| Good thing I post on lainchan

| Good thing I'm an engineer

| Good thing I lie about being an engineer on anonymous text boards

| I also get really defensive when people don't believe my lies about being a womanizing casanova engineer who's totally not at all strangely defensive about incel topics and issues.

| Good thing I project my insecurities online.

| It's now safe to keep shitposting.

| >>1030093
There there
It’s too cold for me. I don’t enjoy it. I need friends to discuss tech with who say ‘I love you’ every few sentences.
Sex with normies yaaaay!!!

| Normal girl sex. I longed for a normal girl sex, she would bring up a topic about some incident in a news I never heard of, She might even talk about a food place she been to with her friends last week, O how I longed for a normal girl sex. I wanted to hear a joke relating to celebrity or tiktok even. Normal girl sex.. A realm actual normal people like me can't reach, I'm sick and tired of "I'm not like the other girls" type, how ironic that it's them that are all the same.

| >>1030357 go for mentally ill trans girls, you'll sex them 100%.

| wowie

Total number of posts: 18, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1729021735

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