my schedule:

| Drinking beer, playing video games, and then... doing lewd things... Kyah ♥

| sigma female routine

| Goblin mode activate!

| Have sex and have fun.

| based

| what happens if you added sleeping?

| Sus. Where shitposting?

| I got your shitposting right here.

| Have sex

| Don't forget to get wasted! Drunk sex is fun with burly guys.

| На приём к врачу приходит негр.
- На что жалуетесь?
- Горло что-то болит.
- Так, раздевайтесь.
Негр разделся, стоит и ждет, что дальше будет.
- Становитесь на четвереньки и ползите к окну.
Удивлённый негр стал на четвереньки и подполз к окну.
Врач посмотрел на него и говорит:

| - Так, теперь, пожалуйста, ползите вон в тот угол.
Негр пополз.
В общем, проползал он все углы.
- Доктор, зачем я это всё делаю? Что это, новый метод лечения?
- Нет, просто я хочу купить стол чёрного цвета и всё думаю, куда его поставить

| Life is so bad in russia they can't even engage with anyone who isnt a vatnik

| >>1029906 why namely "sigma"?
// I know, usually "alpha" is attached to male, cos "the first", "leader", "the chief" and etc. But for female.. I do not get it.

| >>1030065
What's wrong with a padded jacket (the vatnik)? Nice, warm clothes. It's getting cold, but have you warmed up? Winter is coming!

| >>1030050
Смешно. Но осторожнее, у нас "негр" в адрес человека нормально говорить, а "чёрный" - оскорбительно. А на условном "Западе" - наоборот: называть "негром" оскорбительно, а "чёрным" - нормально.

Funny. But be careful, it's okay for us to say "Negro" to a person, and "black" is offensive. But in the conditional "West" it is the opposite: calling a "Negro" is insulting, and "black" is normal.

| Well negro is Spanish for black. Negroid or darkie would be more accurate since you’re describing their state of being dark not a total darkness. But both are offensive here. To be fair it’s not great to talk about things which make people feel othered. I hope no one ever identifies with being black and we can all be rich scientists instead!!

| >>1030274 I identify as black person

| >>1030276
Then I will too! At least in this thread. Love u gurl

| >>1030277 lovvkeys

| >>1030277
>Love u gurl
Wrong! Write it right. And remember: there are only g/u/rls! (:

| >>1030274
>But both are offensive here.
Any word/phrase can become offensive, for example, "porcupine". It all depends on the attitude and context. Alas, in many ways, historically there has been one or another attitude to some words. And so, in general, I agree with you.
>and we can all be rich scientists instead!!
Golden words, from your lips, and into the ears of the Universe - the mistress of the creation.

Total number of posts: 22, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1728960776

This thread is closed.