Dr. Sex-chan’s pharmacy and ket emporium

| Hi g/u/rlies!!!! Its Dr. Sex-chan, here to set you all straight with the prescriptions and life advice you need to set yourself straight (or gay). Tell me of your ailments and I’ll write a prescription just for you!~

| Here’s my immediate prescription for everyone:

Talking. Seriously, talk to the bitch (gender-neutral bitch mind you) and they’ll open up. Lot of you just don’t talk to the bitch and it decreases your chances of success. Not saying you gotta have a socratic seminar with them, but you know talk to them about their interests, why they’re living in your city, etc.

| I wanna have sex with depressed girl

| >>1029886 Dr. Sex-chan’s prescription:
- Consideration. It’s one thing if you just wanna hit it and forget it, but if you want to sexo on the reggo you gotta consider how will this impact me over time?
- As above, talk to the bitch. Find her nerdy autistic special interest and get her talking about it to open up.
- Finally, a dash of charisma to sweep her off her feet. If you don’t think you have it inside, fake it till you make it.

Also do drugs with her if she does that lol

| What do I need to heal my nervous hex?

| i'm exhausted during the afternoon every day, and awake all night. what do you think i should do about it doctor??

| I'm a lonely femboy and i wish girls would dominate me and be mean to me but also hugs and cuddles with me a lot~ what i should do?

| I am too horny for my bf. Wat do?

| >>1029966 Dr. Sex-chan's prescription: SSRIs and long walks along the beach for anxiety

>>1029975 Dr. Sex-chan has actually been having this exact issue recently. The best thing to do has been to do some kind of falling asleep routine (like a shower, rain noise, etc), some kind of ritual that you do before falling asleep.

>>1029977 Dr. Sex-chan's prescription: go to the bar and/or grindr and pick up some girls. Go full femboy, anyone who doesn't like it is filtered out that way.

| >>1029981 Dr. Sex-chan's prescription: sex. fuck your bf more :3

Ok but if your bf isn't as horny as you are, you should find out what gets them in the mood and use that more. If it's getting to be a problem, you should talk to them. The thing I usually finds to work is kissing my partner on the cheek a whole bunch - my partner is on medicine that fucks with their libido, but I've always been able to get them in the mood by being sexy d:

| Dr. Sex-chan LOVES consensual sex! <3

| >>1029993 but i'm shy femboy :c and enjoying time home alone~

| How do I sex Dr. Sex-chan

| >>1030023 i get it, im ploppy af too but you won’t get bitches unless you leave your room!

>>1030041 why don’t you drop your @ cute g/u/rl and then we’ll talk ;)

| 6*8=48

| 48 bicheez 'ω'

| Post number #558857, ID: aeb391
| i miss <center>

| >>1030052 @potus on twitter (formerly X) hit me up XD

| >>1029993
I wanted a sex pun, not an answer.

| >>1030052 noo~ i want yandere who would track my IP and kidnap me and make me wear cat ears~

| and tie me and kisses and watching anime together and unprotected handholding and all~

| I had a wonderful 3 hour chat with my friend last night Dr sex Chan and I feel so good! Just coming on your thread now though. Some gurls say not to trust this place so much. What is a healthy level of /u/sage?

| tha bitches fear me..they never linger

Total number of posts: 23, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1728948732

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