Can someone please actually tell me why I should keep going

| I'm completely alone. All my friends are gone, my family hates me, I'm ruined by rape and trauma, I'm completely broke working door dash and sometimes sucking dick for money because I can't get hired anywhere else, the only thing I'm really living for is my next dxm or nitrous trip so what's the point. I am genuinely asking. You can tell I'm desperate cuz I'm asking here instead of my friends that I don't have anymore. I don't know why I shouldnt kill myself. I want to rest so bad

| Try practicing cannibalism.

| this is genuinely not the place to be seeking help from. even lainchan (is that place still alive?) would be better.

| Hot af, contact?

| The fact that you are here is a cosmic rarity of outlandish proportions, there are literally quintillions of things had to go exactly right to bring you into existence. The world is better with you in it, please stay with us.

And for what it's worth, I'd encourage you to seek help from more trustworthy sources than internet strangers who are gonna fuck your mouth the first chance they get. 988, Trevor Project, Trans LifeLine, and others are good sources if you're in the USA.

| >>1029785 why trans? Op didn't state they were trans

| >>1029793
G/u/rl, this site is 90% trannies and 10% Russians. I think it's a safe bet.

Honestly I don't really have any inspiring hopeful message for you, but I will say from experience and from the experiences of a lot of people I know, if you attempt suicide you will very likely fail and it'll make your life even worse than it is now.

| >>1029799 >90% trannies

| >>1029793 On the off-chance. Those aren't the only resources.

| I love how gurl on this site actually want to help and automatically assume OP is trans, gotta love this site some time

| >>1029809 lmao rite

| because it's fun to suffer and /u/ makes a good example of it

| Stop doing DXM and cultivate a skill instead.

| wasn't as rock bottom as you but when I was left with almost nothing, what I did was take into account what I did have and try to build up from there. Try to meet new people whenever you feel like you can, try to find ways on getting a job, there's some agencies out there that could help you get started, if not that there's always fast food places, its shit but it's a start. Id love to try and be friends but that's up to you if you want to leave contact to add you somewhere

| >>cae269
In moments like these, a person needs emotional support the most or atleast advice every now and then

| >>1029830
nah, creating threads on anonymous internet boards and never respond to any posts is way better

| >>1029832 so true ace

| >>1029841
not responding to your own threads is like not looking back while walking away from explosions

| >>1029855 sounds like my family and me

| >>1029864 so true ce

| >>1029829 based

| >>1029829 >>1029900
Based & reality-pilled x2

| Stop spending your moneh on fcking drugs g/u/rl!! Save everything you have for a better future!

Also... You're stronger than you think.
To ask for a help (to keep living!) requires great strength.
If you feel like you need help, try to contact any sui prevention number, any agency or organization that may help you
Or even try to receive help from a friend

You can do it g/u/rl!!

| ^^ I love my g/u/rls!!

Total number of posts: 24, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1728744140

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