Drugs to soothe depression?

| G/u/rls I never did drugs before but I want but I don't even have the frens to hook me up and got like zero clue of where to get them so???
How do I buy drugs without people thinking I'm a plant?

| Maybe you could try to soothe the pain by talking about it

| Darknet, try dread for reviews of the sites, but I haven’t tried them either. And my really lovely trans friends both stopped doing drugs so they don’t seem to be associated with good things too much. What’s bothering you gurl? I really wish I could cuddle and kiss someone I respected, and I don’t think I can

| Go to your Dr and get antidepressants

| It's probably cheaper and safer to go see a therapist

| Magic mushrooms no more than 3-4 times a year is the only relatively safe drug against depression. The active ingredient you should look for is psicolin.

| here at danger/u/ we fully support self harm

| >>1029540 gurls I'm german therapist costs nuffin but I had my last hour today. so basically I'm too radical for da system.

| >>1029571 where to get them tho? :3

| I’d be scared of them because I don’t understand how they work. Mushrooms I think you can actually cultivate yourself but use a shed or something! Don’t mold up your cute living space

| Have sex and have fun.

| i want to try ketamine

| At John's Wort

| >>1029606 Some convenience stores have psilocybin choco bars. Otherwise find a guy or go on the dark web to acquire them. First option is probably safer.

Dr. Sex-chan's prescription:
- Bitches (male or female or any gender, but acquire them for sex and/or relationship)
- Grass (touch)
- Long walks on the beach with aforementioned bitch(es)
- Talking. To the bitch(es). Seriously you g/u/rls just need to talk to (and, importantly, actively listen to!) the bitch and they'll open up.

| Dr. Sex-chan's anti-prescription: avoid nicotine if you are not already using it. If you are addicted, wean yourself off of it gradually to avoid depression.

Nicotine causes dopamine to release which creates the "domed" feeling, but as you do that more and more your body builds up dopamine blockers to control the sensation. These blockers also prevent you from feeling nice when non-drug-induced good things happen which is why it's good to quit smoking or vaping if you're doing so.

| I fucking hate drugs
Drugs ruin lives
Speically the lives of those autistic g/u/rls I hold dear to my heart

| >>1029944 hot

| Opium. The britbongs went crazy for it

| >>1029944
Thanks gurl that’s really good of you

Total number of posts: 19, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1728743928

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