Joker 2 (spoilers)

| My thoughts on joker 2:

I new nothing about the movie (i did see joker 1 however)other than lady gaga was in it prior to arriving to the movie

When i got to the cinema. I overheard someone in line for popcorn say it was going to be a musical.it honestly did surprise me, thats a bold choice to make. But i kept an open mind considering the first one was pretty artistic in style.

I was genuinely enjoying watching the musical numbers in the movie. And the broadway to big screen

| Style was refreshing to see. It seems like every movie now has to be some super grounded depress fest. Or it has to be some lame take the money out my pocket cgi action cash grab. This didnt feel like just another lame comicbook movie. It had a good showmanship and preformance to it.

The movie is more of a love story than a joker movie. Which makes me feel like the choice of making it a musical was extremely calculated and had a specific target in mind.

| Was it positive and life affirming? I want a movie which feels true but reminds me of beauty and nobility, even if only those specks in our every day life. Thanks gurl! You deserve your own column on this site!

| >>1029383 no actually. And i was going to make a point of this. I feel like the writers and director of the film are directly critizing the target audience of the movie. Which is action and detail obsessed comic book nerds.

While in the cinema, whenever a tiny small reference to something from the batman comic books would apear on screen, it seem like everyone would gawk gasp and all start to point at the screen like children finding waldo in a weres waldo book.

| People would sigh and loudly "ugh" every time there was another musical number *IN A MUSICAL* and cheered the two times anything actually violent happens in the film

| Then, theres a very quiet scene in the middle of jokers trail where they ask the dwarf from the first movie to testify in court over the murders that he's being accused of. They make a POINT in this scene to have this character appear small and diffrent by having the court audience laugh and giggle at his size while approaching the stand. This being PARALLEL to the REAL LIFE laughs and giggles in the audience over this mans apreance. Which i found extremely thought provoking.

| If i had watched this on my tv without all these judgemental comic book freaks surrounding me. I would have never even thought twice about such an insignificant detail. But that scene made me realize this entire movie is criticism and commentary on those very people in the audience of a movie about a character they love yet have no fundamental understanding of.

| The message that i got from this movie was that we should be able to enjoy things and accept people without setting a ridiculous amount of expectations behind it based on what a mass of people want it to be. And that the people who arent willing to see past they're own perspective and expectations are hold us back, and holding themselves back. The back and forth between joker, aurther, and the people of Gotham show this best. And the back and forth between the movie and its own

| Audience amplifies that message.

Over all i really liked it. This was definitely lady gaga's best performance in a movie, considering she talks significantly LESS in this movie than most. And it was another great Phoenix preformce. I really really enjoyed how phoenix was able to capture the feeling of warmth and love for the first time in a long time for a character that really oy goes through pain and judgment from society.


| uh huh


| >>1029385
Jeez that’s sad. I don’t like violence too much.
Would be so kino I’d like you’d walked out of there a changed jokergurl. How low of them, but ironically enhancing.

Aww that does sound nice the warmth and love but idk if it’s for me. Hmmm. Anyway thank you : )

| >>ef93d0 thanks g

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