Fem/boy thread

| > ASL
> Interests
> Likes, dislikes
> Looking for, not looking for


| I’ll start:

22M, near Sacramento, CA

> Interests
Computers, ballet, turn based strategy/4X games, hiking/camping (mount tamalpais anyone?)

> likes
Traveling , sweet things, outdoors, indie music concerts, my girlfriend, makers mark

> dislikes
Port, hard drugs (i like me some tree but keep the crack away plz), bring cooped up all day

> looking for/not
I like making new friends and stuff. I’m in a relationship now otherwise i would be looking to get plowed lol

| uh huh

> Interests
> Likes, dislikes
> Looking for, not looking for

| >>1029324 are you looking or not looking for sex?

| >>1029318 has a gf.

Wrong board buddy

| ASL?

| also sacramento fucking sucks ass i hate that place i want to drive a ford f-150 over every single goddamn nimby politician over there i will disembowl their internal organs and feed them to the vultures that those sub""humans"" are i am never returning within 20 miles of that place ever again if my boss forces me to go there again i will stick my resignation letter down his throat and run to oregon

| also sacramento fucking sucks ass i hate that place i want to drive a ford f-150 over every single goddamn nimby politician over there i will disembowl their internal organs and feed them to the vultures that those sub""humans"" are i am never returning within 20 miles of that place ever again if my boss forces me to go there again i will stick my resignation letter down his throat and run to oregon

| >>d382f0 most sane west coast enjoyer

| Femboys zzzzzzzzzzzzz

| imagine having no problems at life you start creating ones yourself like being a femboy

| >femboy
10 bucks says she's trans

| You're looking for a body bag if you're looking on the /ouu/

| we should have a /uooh/ board

| What would we post on it?

| Who wants to come out as my personal trans girl slave?

| stories from senile single overly matured women

| > ASL
22 transfem he/she femboy, oklahoma

> interests
drawing, cartoons, movies, pole dancing, writing, horror, comedy, nightlife, modeling

> likes
the color pink, cute/slutty/comfy outfits, drugs, positive attention, sweets, musicals, bunnies, being social, music

> dislikes
people who ignore boundaries/consent, judgy people, ppl who shout often (i'm jumpy lol), dogs (i have an extreme phobia)

> looking for
new friends to hang with, possibly someone to get to know and date :)

| >>1029718 why do all the cuties live so far away :,(

>>1029622 take your gooning back to /d/

Total number of posts: 20, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1728508340

This thread is closed.