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hope everyone is well

| Job-chan's in a bit of a not great patch...hours at work were reduced and my roommate broke her arm a couple days ago so my anxiety is through the roof regarding getting all the bills paid for November. I'm looking into secondary jobs, or maybe a new job altogether, something salaried with benefits, bit the market in my city is tight right now.

still. we get up, get dressed, amd keep moving forward! opportunities await. have strength and courage my loves, things will get better <3

| Good luck, whichever job-chan you are!♥

| Go job Chan go! You’re our anchor <3 love you so much gurl!!

| >>1029152 >>1029157
ty i love youse !! im the one who's always tired and works as a bartender full time. tonight has been kind of tough...i've been training a new hire and we're closing together. she's all nerves and self doubt so i'm trying to walk her through the cocktails and remind her that we want quality over speed.

to be honest my more cynical side is thinking she's not exactly cut out for all this but...i want to help her do her best and improve.

| It would be so kino if it was bartenderchan you were training and you helped her with her nerves and she helped you to a place you can relax and you feel in love and got each other pregnant!!!

…but I’m glad she’s trying something better for her I’m really excited.

That’s really good you’re doing that. We’re all pulling for your roomie too!

Total number of posts: 5, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1727837081

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