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Where is job chan


| At her job maybe?

| >>1029024 but what if the damn nigga is dead though?

| She’s pretty smart she won’t die: )

| sucking my fat inch

| job chan? which one? If you mean the one who's been bartending for a couple days, that's me. I didn't think you were that interested in me

| Since then, I never have been employed for those couple of months. (maybe) I'll call one company tomorrow or the day after, they need a sysadmin. it should be a much easier job physically, so... I think it would be a better fit for me. overall I've become more aware of the value of money in these couple of months of living without it, so I don't think it's been a waste of time. it's actually amazing how little it takes to be happy for me personally.

| >>94dac6
wonderful, you should absolutely go for it ! being aware of the constraints of money can be anxiety inducing but its also very sobering. if you have an opportunity for a job that both fulfils you personally and pays decently, snatch it up !

| >>1029129
I’m a great fan! I think think you’re actually bartenderchan and she’s jobchan ironically enough.

I’m really excited for you : )

I liked how you tried the bartending. I really want money too

| >>1029130 woah cool

Total number of posts: 10, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1727852478

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