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does god love me?


| it feels like i can see everyone else's life but my own getting better
im bitter and always on the verge anger or killing myself
my only saving grace is i procrastinate so much, i just put off my death over and over.

| no need for imaginary being to give you attention and affermations.
life is amout figuring out everything and never stop, the bad side is when you're getting good and people will show you a worse layer of reality.
Keep it chill while you can.

| no
t. god

| Yes!! -God

| cute. sent cut pic


| I love sex.

| God loves everyone equally. God doesn't send you trials you can't overcome.

| God punished me with neverending life for serving him vegetables.

| God keeps sending me dick picks from new accounts

Total number of posts: 10, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1727453716

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