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So... Class of 09 The Flip Side

| Spoilers ahead!!!

So like, what the fuck even was that. The ||sex slavery|| ending made absolutely zero sense, one moment Jecka's just cutely trolling around a shopping mall solving a mystery, the next ||the FBI is selling them into fucking sex slavery|| for reasons that still make zero sense to me. I know this series is known for off-the-walls kinda stuff like this, but it doesn't even make sense in that context. It just ends like that out of nowhere.

| (oops discord rotted my brain I forgot how to do spoiler text on /u/ rip)

My biggest issue with the foot fetish stuff wasn't that it was there, it was the amount of content that route took up - more than half the game, and a substantial chunk of the voice lines and art! It comes off more like SBN3 has a *massive* foot fetish himself, which kinda makes the biting social commentary make zero sense if the artist is being criticized, and not even in an obnoxious self-aware way either.

| Apparently SBN3 had said that the game was massively rushed (which is very apparent when playing) as he said something like "why would I put effort into a game that won't even receive media coverage?"

Which is either a lame excuse or a horrible miscalculation - I fully appreciate that artists need to be paid for their work, but given the fanbase of the Class of 09 series I'm sure it would've been a massive success either way if he had just taken the time to make the writing better

| Of course, Kayli Mills and Elsie Lovelock absolutely KILL IT in their roles as Jecka and Nicole, and the art is great as well. There's a lot going for this game, but it's brought to shit by writing that's so bad, it puts a massive stain on not just this game, but the entire series.

I ended up refunding my copy. Unless you're a massive fan who 100%'ed Class of 09 and the Re-Up and you really want more (as I was), you're just gonna get nothing out of this.

| Thanks for the reporting gurl!

| I've heard nothing but bad things about this game even from fans of the previous games.

Apparently all the edgy stuff also isn't because they're written to be satire, but because the writer himself is some kinda edgy bigot? And for this one he's deliberately making something that'll chase people away?

| >>1028555 I mean it’s possible that he’s bigoted, but the writing deficiencies seem (to me) to stem more out of rushing and not giving a shit, rather than bad faith. Of course, if ever there was a game to paint SBN3 as a bigot, this is it.

| /u/ still great for gaming news post this in /v/ next time so I can actually see it

| all i know about class of 09 is that i wish i was a cute anime girl in an american high school after playing it

| I play it after knowing it from this thread, yep kinda mid. I like re-up and first one a lot, this just feel flat compare to other ones.

| Felt like it was rushed out to cash a quick cheque.

Now all the stuff about SBN3 is surface, I wonder how they plan to handle it because looking bad if they don't say something soon.

| From what I've heard the dev (an edgy basement dweller) was throwing a fit about his fanbase largely being girls and women who didn't align with his politics and just went all out on his weirdo fetish shit to change that. Kinda like that one comedian (forgot his name) who had an audience of mostly women, got really insecure about it and became an alt right grifter. This seems to be a trend with redditors who gain a tiny bit of popularity

| I'm going to assume the drama is a case of
creator fucks up> fans get sus> creator vents at them on Social media > fans don't respond well > creator lashes out even more etc until people forget and/or their rep is ruined

| I want to form a villain team of celebrity incel Redditors who run around in public fighting teams of women to steal jewels and art and cool stuff like that for our super swag base!

Please reach out maker! We can start by figuring out one of your ex fans is a wealthy heiress and taking her things!!

| I think it's quite literally as simple as SBN3 just didn't write the other games. Like prior to this one in his socials and stuff he'd post about hoe the lesbian fans are delusional for shipping Jecka and Nicole. And like the man-hating and queer theming of the first game at least isn't even subtle??? I actually 100% believe he didn't write them, and then when he played them for review (which he hopefully did) he either didn't understand the themes or didn't care to change them.

| >>1028930 he's been avidly really weird and creepy about all of the things surrounding his game in ways that someone who understands and made the first game actually straight up just couldn't. I think he's just stupid and didn't get it.

| >>1028931
Based I NEED to breed with this cutie where do they live?

Total number of posts: 17, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1727568741

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