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Maybe I can be less "evil"(?)

| Is it any important to care about people?

| Op out of the basement???

| I'm a professional grass toucher ^_^

| You should cut and post pic or just dm it to me

| I think so. It makes me feel like others care about me and everything is going to be ok. I feel like everything I do to others I’m doing to myself a little.

| what if people were to think themself more of an adult and view you as someone who likes to hold dead horses?
Can you fix an idea like this?

| I like this OP, great reaffirmation of how normal I am

| You get what you put out there. I'm not saying you gotta be a nun or some shit and think of yourself last, but a degree of selflessness can come back to help you later on in ways you might not expect.

| >>1028537
>puts out love
>gets hate back
>puts out hate
>gets hate back
i'm tired, sis

| >>1028566
Hug- I wish I could irl : (

Total number of posts: 10, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1727305565

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