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the world is falling apart

| I can't explain it, but I feel it. it feels like all these years the world has been slowly rotting from the inside out, and it's finally coming out, visible on the face of humanity. the internet is full of useless AI-generated information, I can't find anything anymore. people are doxing each other, make dramas, my friends are killing themselves because of the instability.

| it feels like technology has turned our lives into a neoliberal concentration camp where billions suffer and those billions are all isolated from each other personally. loneliness is the disease of the 21st century. people don't hear each other anymore and it's, really really scary. everything feels unstable... even the clothes I wear. it's only been half a year and a button has already fallen off on my pants. the world is falling apart even physically I guess.

| i don't know how to explain it or why i'm writing this on this dying board (how ironic) but I want to thank to those who read it. I hope someone feels the same way, and I'm not alone in this.

| how often do you leave your home and interact with people? i dont mean the casier or the sour stranger on the street. how often do you interact with sane good people? because it sounds like you're caught in some kind of doomer scrolling spiral or echo chamber.

| but even so, most of the problems you mention can be traced back to capitalists and the sickness that is greed.

AI is a tool that helps the wealthy make art while keeping the artist from accessing wealth.

most doxxings are made by politically motivated ring-wingers and/or people with racist motivations.

your friends likely would've stayed alive if they had the means to better their lives. wealth brings stability.

| i don't know what you mean by calling technology neo-liberal concentration camps so you must elaborate on that

if you're talking about home computers and cell phone usage etc, you chose wether to use or abuse such tech. you can simply stop spending so much time online if its bad for you

all major companies are owned by hardcore capitalists and are unlikely to change their ways unless its about money. with some rare exceptions like sandvine (after they made bank though)

| loneliness and isolation are very real problems and a bi-product of late stage capitalism. the longer we isolate the less we undertand each other and less likely are we to connect with others, so it's tantamount to get out there more if you're in danger of becoming isolated

however greed is the disease of the 21st century because it's the root of lonelines, climate change, and almost every other societal problem we have

| even your clothes are sufffering in quality because of the profiteering. because the greedy ultra-rich can't be satisfied and will try to increase profit every time they can. production costs are going down while their profits are going up.

and this is not talked about enough, because everyone wants a scapegoat that fits their agenda/narrative instead of seeing the world for what it really is and saying no to the people who profit from this mess.

| I was just about to post something similar, "we live in the most boring-ass dystopia imaginable" type beat
It's fucking retarded that the world is shit, and mostly because of the greed of some nonce that jerks off with a hundred dollar bill
That out of the way, both of us do need a good amount of grass-touching, OP. Us staying doomer is what they want (and profit from)
So go make a friend, or create something nice, anything to spite the fuckers

| ok

| I felt just the same as you op, but I think things are going to be ok now. Both racism and problematic racial groups scare me, and capitalism and government/social attacks on ‘bad guys’ scare me, but I talked to my friends, and my friend who’s a teacher says the high level kids are doing just fine.

| All we have to do is support the most technology developing, happy prosperous groups and make things better for others while getting paid, take enough time to relax and love ourselves, and make friends and support them, and make sure we have happy kids who can carry it even further til the stars burn out. Genetic engineering will give everyone the best racial characteristics. Soma will eliminate the suffering of the poor, and the mentally ill will be cured as technology advances.

| Even our powerlessness and alienation will be cured by Brain chips which make us all part of one mind and love the whole of the civilization. I was feeling really upset this evening about how one of my friends is probably going to die alone in a horrible unaccepting country… and I felt better this evening and like everything is going to be ok after I met with a career having friend and ran around and ate good food I made for us. Now I’m feeling a little sad about her again…

| But we’re going to make a world where the people who we couldn’t help today will be reborn to live amazing lives. Do you ever feel love for anything or did you ever feel that higher calling like when you help people? I’m trying to work in biotech to advance stuff like vaccines which have already gotten rid of so much pain in the world. I tend to get stressed a lot going ‘this isn’t saving my friends’ but once I have enough money we can support each other, and it’ll be a stable growth

| I actually threw away my opsec kinda and I think it helped. I think there’s a culture of fear which is really harmful… but I’m still not employed or anything so idk. I’m sending some of my joy tonight your way.

| >>1028339
spitting frfr

honestly it all just feels exhausting and overwhelming to think about and it just continues escalating while simultaneously going nowhere at the same time its strange. i usually kinda chalk it up to our tech improving by the second while we remain stagnant unable to fully adapt to the ever expanding system of limitless information we’re constantly bombarded with.


| Nothing ever happens

| Y'all are living in the best times humanity ever had in its history and y'all yapping about suffering?!


| >>1028433
don't just sit in front of the computer all the time

| >>1028433
For we each of us deserve everything, every luxury that was ever piled in the tombs of the dead kings, and we each of us deserve nothing, not a mouthful of bread in hunger. Have we not eaten while another starved? Will you punish us for that? Will you reward us for the virtue of starving while others ate? No man earns punishment, no man earns reward. Free your mind of the idea of deserving, the idea of earning, and you will be able to think.

| >>1028435 better for whom, dipshit.
>better medicine/healthcare
the system delivering these are collapsing because of rent-seeking behavior.
>better systems
they haven't changed for the past century. perhaps you mean more people being openly plural nowadays.
>faster computers
software written in the 90s runs better than the slop shat out using chatgpt, and the hardware is full of backdoors now.
>smarter machines
this is not a good thing

| >stronger bones
there's microplastics in your tibia.

the world is shit. idealism is masturbation, change comes when you see how shit it is and create solutions coming from a place of material analysis.

| >>03aad1
lol, you're living a lie gurl

| >>1028442
>create solutions coming from a place of material analysis.
You don't even know the meaning of those words. Some of the nonsense that you just spouted in this thread(and many other threads) isn't even hard to disprove, or they're so incredibly empty or poorly considered they mean absolutely fucking nothing.

| >>1028444 and i am going to continue posting here. cry about it.

| If someone tells you to put effort into getting stronger bones and all you have to retort with is "there's plastic in there" you've already given up. Don't give me that bullshut about material analysis. You gave up before you even tried. Drop that Loser mindset and start thinking for yourself for the first time in your life.

Some of you really should't be spending so much time online and it shows because your minds genuinelly can't handle it without losing you losing yourself.

| >>1028445
Try to respond with some intelligence for once, k? Emo whinery and deflective retorts is just that... masturbation. And that's all you got. In every single one of your posts... There's not a single molecule of intelligence in anything you share here. At least meet the counter-arguments head on instead of running from every obstacle. It's nothing short of intellectual cowardice.

| >>1028441
>better for whom, dipshit.
for everyone with a solution oriented & optimistic mindset, obviously. you can influence your emotions and thoughts to become happier and more productive, you know

>the system delivering these are collapsing because of rent-seeking behavior.
true, the greedy rich are destroing our infrastucture from within. what about it? don't tell me you thought this was some kind of gotcha counter-argument? pretentious much?

| >the system delivering these are collapsing because of rent-seeking behavior.
is an acknowledgement, an affirmation to what's going on. there's not much else to it.
and it's only true when it comes to healthcare. the medicinal industry is booming and we're curing & preventing new diseases en masse every year.

| >they[the systems] haven't changed for the past century.
too vague to even respond to. which systems lol?? at least be authoritative with your word instead of cowarding behind ambiguity

| >software written in the 90s runs better than the slop shat out using chatgpt, and the hardware is full of backdoors now.
take off your rose tinted glasses and see the world for what it is. blaming chatgtp for your taste in software i just childish, bro.

and can you prove all these tens of thousands of backdoors? you can't, can you?. because no one can. because they're an overblown fear with little to no basis in reality.

| >>smarter machines
>this is not a good thing
not an argument

| >>1028444
Yeah idealism IS a place of material analysis- I look at the things I like in the world around me and I get ideals from it!!

Stop being so derisive and calling others bro! You’re upsetting me!

We’re all lovely gurls and things could be bad or good. No one has complete information. Don’t shut others down! I’m going now! But I’ll be back!

I hope I wasn’t too mean.

| >>1028336 does walking makes you happy?

| Look up Mass Divergence Event. It's coming

Total number of posts: 36, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1727282076

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