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How can my friend learn skills to leave helpdesk and have a career

| Sorry gurls. She has a boyfriend, but she’s very nice! So how can she become one of these happy career people, preferably not making it too hard on her. I love you!!
Kisses- enlargedamygdalachan (WEARING shorts right now hahaha)

| well, it's late september.
if she takes a tax preparer course now, she'll be read to pick it up come next season.
it's intense, 10-12 hours a day doing paperwork, but you get okay hourly wage plus per-return commission. i've seen people earn a year's wages in a few months like that.
if she can figure that out, she can pay down whatever debts she has and put the rest towards freeing her time and learning a better job. perhaps something in the trades.

| if she's tech inclined she could some of those comptia and cisco certs for IT jobs. a degree in CS is ~helpful~ at best, but it definitely isn't required. your boss /will/ laugh at you if you don't have a cert from cisco/comptia though. mental outlaw has some videos on this if you're interested.

| https://voca.ro/12WWbTKkrB2c go to dream world, assemble a team of 10. And be Italian

| Imagine saying about moslem: they starve

| pic

| You should earn at least $50k

| >>1028181 tell her to make ticket to helpdesk how to leave helpdesk and start career!

| >>1028246
Made me smile clever gurl…

Total number of posts: 9, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1727106661

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