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Do you ever think about what prehistoric prehistoric fossils are in your car's gasoline?

| I'm just imagining the millions of t-rexes and saber-toothed tigers that have been ground up and liquefied over millions of years just to be farted out by my small metal boxes just so i can drive to 7/11 for ciggies and milk at 3am

| Yeah I think stuff like that constantly. How old is the fossil fuel I'm using? How far does the cow I'm eating's blood line go back? How old is the iron in my phone?

| my car is running therodactyle :3
leave green deal, accept dinos :3

| I hate cars

| Cute :3

Gurl please never buy milk from 7/11. The markup is insane! Don’t you have a refrigerator you can keep multiple copies in? You can have my milk if you want, just don’t be such a shmuck to pay such markup ok??? You matter! <3

| >>1028169 same. vacations to amsterdam and tokyo bikepilled and trainpilled me, and i can never step in my 2004 honda civic again

| The vast majority of petrolium is made out of plankton and algea because the organic material that turns into petrolium must be covered in stagnant oxygenless water or mud or silt before it starts to naturally decompose and t-rex corpses just ain't got no time fo dat

| >>1028228 Yup, and coal is trees. Sorry everyone we don't use dinosaurs as fuel, high school science class lies again.

| >>1028247
I learned this from my high school science class though...

| Nope

| >>1028228 god this would make a really cool lovecraftian horror concept.

i'm imagining a world where all animals and plants have gone in a super-steampunk world so cannibalism is the only choice for food

then at the end of your life after eating a bunch of other people as food you yourself are crushed and ground up into food

| >>1028292
Cooool! Reminds me of the moving cities series my rieve. Those were fun

| >>1028292 naw, no it wouldn't

| >>1028292
love this post. getting all those ideas from a random science-related sentence is peak creativity

| I say three cheers for creativechan! But now she needs to tell us a story!!!!

(If she feels like it only :)

| >>1028292
Me personally I would also like something similar to the end-of-death canon from the scp wiki where people's brains are immortal but they still experience body decay. What if while being ground up they're still alive?

scpwiki: https://shorturl.at/HlmFn

| fuck wrong link

| Cool idea! She should mix this in too!

Total number of posts: 18, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1727191846

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