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Did anyone know about sprite?

| I think they're awesome

| but I think blue jets are overhyped

| lmfao with this shit again lmfao

| Carbonated drink?

| no, I mean the hellish spears in the sky

| I like Fanta because i'm Fantastic!

| I like Crytal Pepsi. Have a good day~

| I drink tea like a normal human

| >>1028255
I do not think so. Drink coffium like a normal g/u/rl.

| >>1028224
I think that better to discuss on /new/.

| >>1028270 tea is more normal than coffium.

| >>1028275
About "normal" we should refer to statistics, that I have not, so my statement is almost full is subjective, like yours, I guess.

| >>1028275
And coffium more clear chemically than tea; in tea you can find some heavy metals, for example.

| >>1028276 >>1028278 noted, I think we should date

| I like chai with LOTS of sugar… can someone date with me? O.O

Total number of posts: 15, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1727107127

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