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Russian Thread

| Базарим на русском

| нахуя

| Действительно, нахуя? У нас же и так есть тред.

| Veo que elegiste el idioma superior para el título. Es bueno saberlo.

| I think we DO need a thread to discuss russia in English! I want to smell a russian! Do you think russia is real? It sounds like some kind of fantasy country what with the mud and mongols and bears and great distances and starts and such. I’ve seen websites by russians claiming to be astronomers but I don’t have stars where I live. I made baked milk once and it was mid. I think everyone should be allowed to call themselves russian! Group hug!!!!!

| >>1027730 I agree with all statements by this fair lady

| Yay!! Tyty! If you were Russian would you wear a fun outfit? I’d wear a comfortable silken kaftan everywhere and have a cute Russian name like elena

| Los pingüinos me la van a mascar
Y Estriper

| >>1027933 the biggest fan

| >>1027933
too bad they'll lynch you for it.

| >>1027959 we don't do lynching in the us anymore, and look what happened.

| I’m STILL on with my plan to build a gigantic house for all the russian gurls to live in by the way! I even drew plans with my crayons and am going to ask 50k-kun to pay for it when she makes it big!

| They have these mass heaters over there which is a really big fireplace structure that keeps them warm and they’re all going to have cute beds and sing songs dancing in circles before bed and when they wake up just like in the grinch stole christmas ! Do you think that book actually took place in russia?

| >>1027961
racism almost disapeared in finer neighbourhoods until russian trolls intervened? the family i stayed at said that their first racist encounter was 2019 when someone called the police on their 6 year old daughter.

| >>1027993 ah, my favorite. 'everything i disagree with is work of the russians'.
g/u/rl, i know that talking about those pesky jews and how they're ruining the fabric of our society through their media botfarms is not kosher anymore, but at least have the spine to do it properly.
or, you know, grow a bit more spine than that and take responsibility for the state of the society you're in. ivan borisovich is not some kind of god that can make you racist with 3 blogposts.

| I believe in Russian gurls power!!! Please make me more mentally healthy with your blog posts! I’m gonna do my best not to let you down! I think you’re very pretty and shouldn’t stress out ok? Now go have fun too! I’m going to bed now!

| >>1028018
it takes a special kind of ignorance to claim russian trolls aren't a thing. educate yourself!

| >>2eadf1
oh and btw i stopped reading after your first sentence. if you start your posts with such nonsense there's no reason to read any further because you've never made a valuable post on this site ever. it's nothing but shitposting and putin-wanking. how's his boot taste?

| >>1028032 you will never own a house

| >>1028035
lol and you will never stop oozing insecurity everytime you post something

| Please don’t fight gurls : (
What you you bought a house together?

| When I conquer russia and make it the worlds first anti woke country, I will have a day when every russian has to tongue kiss every other russian they meet passionately.!!!

Total number of posts: 22, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1726843786

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