Na vátya, melë ar enyalie

| Na naeg, melin a enyalien.

| tolkien was a bitchass motherfucker. if he didn't want to get ptsd he could have considered not signing up to fight for a dumpass empire. now thanks to his own decisions what we get to deal with is a 24 hour movie marathon of distilled autism every time you want to fuck someone. i do not CARE where you are taking the hobbits FUCK OFF

| >>1027393

| Autistics are VERY kissable. Yeah Tolkien was pretty dumb but had a cute heart in there. Needed a g/u/rl in his like to guide him

| Elárultátok Krisztust, ezért a pokolba vezet az utatok!

| >>1027484
Nelya elenion i-hende. Cenin Snickers.

Total number of posts: 6, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1726347948

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