games to play at a little festival

| g/u/rls i need help i'm helping prepare a small festival thing for a daycare (think japanese firework festivals but without fireworks and 10x less ppl)

and i need to think up games for the kids and their parents to play
please please please give me ideas

| this is a daycare. how old are the kids, though? like, six? this is actually important.

| Strip mahjong

| >>1027133 6-12

| Oragami!
Make fireworks!
put sauce on and grill your own meat!
paper mache piggy banks or something else
book binding-for notebooks, or other books
paint a picture together
watch a play or operetta
Make a visual novel together or twine game
A bunch of math themed puzzels to solve a little mystery story with a prize at the end
Make tea in the japanese style (is there one?) with a little fire at their table and eat nice little cakes with it
relay race kids + parents
Board games

| >>1027152 this g/u/rl exhausted most of the good ones.
the kids won't really appreciate the fireworks unless the activities run into the evening. if they do, you can buy a pound of gunpowder and paper mache the shell(s) as a group. remember to use a safety fuse when setting them off. a long one. the shells will realistically explode on the ground.
recommend you split the younger kids off and have them make paper lanterns instead. not sure what to do with them.

| any rivers you could float them down? or hang them up in a common area.
you can get your hands on pressed gypsum. effectively, relief art, frame included. you can then give the kids oil paints and outsource the supervision of the painting to the parents. the parents can take the painted picture as a little souvenir of the event. really precious stuff.
kids won't really appreciate a japanese tea ceremony, though. too slow. just skip the entire idea.

| instead of watching the play, you could have some of the kids perform one, but i don't know the temperament of the people you've got.
good luck op, doing god's work and such.

| >>5b00ce >>7a7bdf
op here thanks a ton!!
i'll float these ideas at tmrw's meeting
hope the painting and oragami will be approved, but i'd also love to do the paper mache playpen

| Do a barrel roll

| I’m so excited! Some of mine were kinda bad, I really hope some work out!

Total number of posts: 11, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1726060838

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