On toxic environments and its effects on growth

| It's not that 95% of the population can't change. Rather, research indicates that for most individuals, change and adaptation are less extremely influenced by environmental conditions. Most people have a more average response to their surroundings and can change, but perhaps not as dramatically as the most sensitive individuals.

And this refers in particular to what has been chosen to be investigated in this specific study, namely "orchid person" and "dandelion person".

| Orchid person: These individuals are very sensitive to their surroundings and can flourish exceptionally well in supportive and positive environments. However, if they grow up in unfavorable conditions, they can develop serious problems. Their sensitivity means that they have a higher potential for both positive and negative outcomes depending on the environment they are in.

| Dandelion person: These individuals, on the other hand, are more robust and resistant to their environmental conditions. They can do relatively well regardless of whether their environment is supportive or unfavorable. They have a more stable development curve and are not as strongly affected by the quality of their surroundings.

| The majority of the population, who are not necessarily classified as either orchids or dandelions, show a more average response to their environments. This means that they can be affected and changed by both positive and negative environmental conditions, but not to the same extreme extent as the most sensitive individuals. Change usually takes place gradually and within the framework of what is adaptive and functional for the individual.

| Lovely! We now understand that many of us are hardwired to a distorted view of the world and that we live unaware of reveral mental illness we may have.
We fight each others to find who's the most correct but we're just specters of our own board's will.

| Assuming this is coming directly from you, how do you manage people who didn't develop "emotional attachement"?
Or perhaps you're already putting them in the dandelion category?

| >>1027118
I don't think you're using those words correctly so it makes it hard to understand what you mean.

| >>1027120 You're correct, I didn't expect to be stricted out for it tho.
Let me ask something else.
How is good and bad environment defined?

| >>1bb111
bruh moment

| I can't make much out of this

| >unsourced pop psychology
wow, this board really is for women, huh?
hit me up with that astrology shit next. i want to know what jupiter rising has to do with my asshole puckering up while listening to my true crime podcasts.

| >>1027132
OP probably started the thread to foster a discussion, albeit clumsily so. If you want a source to the study it helps to ask in a mature manner instead of seething like some butthurt chud.
You know it's not the womens fault you're an incel, you know that right?

| >>1027135
a hit dog sure hollers, sister. did you make sure to read your fashion design magazines today? got any ideas for tonight's brat dinner?

| >>1027136
I'm gonna fuck your dad and give him a son he'll actually love.

| >>1027138
you're a stereotype that only understands femininity from twitter and what your dad told you it's supposed to look like. you will not be having sex today, and are unlikely to leave your house. remember to take your estrogen.

| >>1027132
I think you're being a real dandylion and NOT in a good way >:(
I love my dad so much they're a really good dad but kinda shy and in a mildly happy but not sexual marriage.

Anyway we should act in nice ways for nice results OK gurls? If that means being 'masculine' or 'feminine' the people we help with our well considered actions will love us all the more. Social media makes people think they need to be a 'character' to be good, but really it's in the living.

| But I'm not sure what I really can say on the topic. We talked about this in my genetics class actually. This is true down to the genetic level, that some people and animals adapt more or less, better or worse. I guess I hope society becomes really nice and everyone becomes optimally able to take advantage, but I don't think that's really actionable. We could blame our problems on being the first type, but that's not really relevant. I guess there IS a really healthy insight in

| that we shouldn't look to get the same results as others, even if we had the same environment, that old pearl appears again. Of course it gives an idea, but let's all take care of ourselves and others, and remember they can react differently from us.

| >>1027138
OOh, that was a sick fucking burn~

| >>1027149
I don't think he's a Dandylion, he's obviously an Orchid who's parents didn't love him. He doesn't even know what love is and never will unless he grows a bit. Clueless, rude and miserable is not how you turn out from loving parents.

| The ruzzians are seething LMAO

| I would love her if she was nice to me…

| Flowers! Poppy! Inheritance! Familia (Nobel) popilina!
This is about poppy! I don’t know how though : (
Not good at puzzles

| Is loving sex a dandelion or orchid thing?

| >>1027358
Dandelions always loved sex. Orchids only love sex if they have happy experiences growing up with it.

| but what about an orchid who had great experience growing up with it? im talking about teenagers here so dont get your hopes up педофилы

| creating such a dichotomy on a board with a bunch of users who are used to hearing about the Inherent Genetic Difference between hsts and agp doesn't really seem like an effective troll op. i've already been put in the Bad Category for not wanting to fuck someone before, you'll get further by just asking to have me in an abusive relationship

| >>1027409 is this where I mention vrchat?

| >>1027430 yes!!!!

| >>1027430
YAAAAYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!! I’M REALLY happy you said that <3

Total number of posts: 30, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1726286247

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