Do you think 20 months in a pandemic had a mental impact on us?


| yeah,
*fucks your mouth*

| no.

| Absolutely none.

-normal gurl

| Nothing changed. I'm a neet.

| Nothing ever happens

| >>e5b25f
Try to get out more, friend.

| >>1027041 if I get out more I stop coming at home at all, and my family already yells at me when I leave for some time and they want me to do some shit

| >>aeafbf æбаб

| Кровный брат афефаба

| >>096432

| >>1027053 ඞ SuSy ඞ

| >>aeafbf
Так вот о каком треде писали, где система вам выдала id близкий к афефабу!

| >>da68da
more because of the quarantine than because of the pandemic itself, and the transfer of training to online mode has led to an increase in the level of sloppiness,

| Still Fucking my life up..

| if the pandemic affected you long term in any way, you're not gonna make it. jump in front of a train already (you're too much of a coward to do right by the rest of us)

| I did NOT like certain negative posts on this thread >:(
Everyone BUT that gurl can now have sex with me. She is in time out til she says she wants us all to be prosperous and happy even if we’re not doing well, as I want for her.

| >>1027085 this g/u/rl was affected by the pandemic in any way. personally

| >>1027086
yeah. It was on top of a larger trend though, and it may have been good too. Thanks for the reply anyway. You still can't have sex with me til you're nicer to the others though hmph

| >>1027071 >>1027052 да друзья, всё именно так

| I like how stagnated and depressed russia must be if saying " Nothing ever happens" is all it takes to bring out the cryllic cope™

| >>1027100 nah fam, not taking the bait

| >>1027107
Защитите Вождя ценой своей жизни

| >>1027100
You g/u/rl should pass to /new/ to bring you happiness, i guess..

| Killing myself rq

| >>1027100 the cryllic cope™
I'm gonna start calling it that from now on.

| Happy 9/11, g/u/rls!

| >>1027226
Happy 9/11 to you!

| >>1027226
Happy 9/11, death to America! <3

| Wait just 20 months? *Confusely counting 4*12* it's not matching!!

| I honestly hated the pandemic for the sole reason in made online spaces worse because it forced most retards/kids online. It just made me hate most social things. Other than that was fine though.

Total number of posts: 31, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1726306457

This thread is closed.