Men aren't real

| You're all gurls, boys don't exist on the internet. And don't worry, it's totally okay to be a girl, in fact, I love gurls. *muwah*

| g/u/y gang 4 lyfe

| *No(stroke) Everybody knows in the danger/u/s that you are a g/u/rl!*

| >>1026976
Thanks gurl!!!!
/| <3 -----
( | < -----
\| <3 -----

jeez still maybe not an artist though huh? But I did it for you!!

| >>1026998 so proud of you~♡ such a good gurl, such a good gurl for me

| I'm a woman

| >>1026976 You tell'em g/u/rl!
*sloppy kisses you*

| >>1027025
You make me really happy when you say that gurl ~♡❤️

| promptly disintegrates

| Yoy/Me G/u/rls

| They are

| i wonder why boys never hang out in these kind of communities. is it out fault??

| >>1027388 it's your roommate's fault

| >>1027388 btw I think you should fuck your roommate

| >>1027388
I would have sex with your room mate-j-just to distract him so the other gurls can love you of c-course haha

| I'll be the roommate ♡

| >>1027477

Total number of posts: 17, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1726321583

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