does being miserable together feel better than alone?

| title

| We should cut together :)

| why do you think this board exists? to share baking recipes?

| who tf cares about miserable people? never waste your time on haters lol

| >>1026959 I masturbated to their misery

| >>1026970
You are sick b/a/stard!

| >>1026959
miserable one not equals hater, be consecutive one.

| Ye

| no, but being together usually helps you be less miserable. if you make each other worse, though, you're better off alone

| >>1027008
Ding ding ding winner!!!
You have the correct answer! You can have ANYTHING you want from me hahaha

| >>1027042 sex. Now.

| >< location????????

| >>1026955 i looooove shio pan bread :) i couldn't make it this weekend because of the heat

Total number of posts: 13, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1725999680

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