Brain rot

| Brain rot (or brainrot) is a slang term used to describe internet content of low quality or value, or negative effects (psychological, cognitive, etc.) caused by it.[1] As a psychological descriptor, it implies the spending of excessive amounts of time spent online, with possible deterioration in cognitive functioning and attention span.[2] The term has been used online as early as 2004, but rose in popularity in 2023, having become an internet meme.[3]

| etc.

| just drink water

| This doesn't affect me. I use NordVPN. I am fully protected online.

| >>1026956 *fucks your mouth*

| >>1026956
you're never sexure online unless you're hiding behind 7 proxies

| >>1026956 ever heard of the hacker called 4chan?

Total number of posts: 7, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1725840782

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