How do you go about eliminating rats?

| A tldr is that I have a farm and every night when I head out I see over 20 of them
For the record:
-A cat won't do because some of these rats are as big as a cat, plus the cat may attack my birds
-I keep giving them poison both in liquid and in pills, they eat it, but so far I've only seen four corpses.
-My dog doesn't seem to be interested in them. I could try getting something small like jack russel, but I'm afraid it might go after my birds

| I'm really at loss here.
The worst part is that my neighboring households are both abandoned because the owners got old and died, and their children don't give a fuck because city life is more important, so these buildings are rat paradise.

| I don,'t think it possible. Give up

| this is what zyklon b was designed for, comrade. don't use it, nor hydrogen cyanide, even if you can get it. you are not smart enough to handle it and will only hurt yourself. fumigation of farm structures with aluminum phosphide is possible, but you must use a respirator.
pest management, however, must be integrated. the rats are here because they have food and they have shelter. you must remove these to remove the rats and be sure they are gone.

| to find where the rats are, look for burrows in the ground, near foundations, under debris piles, or areas that are overgrown. look for gnaw marks and droppings along walls. look in storage rooms, attics, crawlspaces. suffer not the rat to live.
food sources will be your grains, seeds, crops, animal feed if you have it. rats will get in your fruit trees, your vegetable patches, dumpsters, compost piles.

| inspections at night with a flashlight are more productive, you have already been doing this.
you may not be able to secure items in the field, but reasonable attempts can be made for what you have stored. and the nesting site of the rats is a prime location for gas.

| ultimately, you may just need to break into the abandoned houses and dump several cans of gas in there. it should not be your responsibility, but what must be done must. good luck out there.

| Start a YouTube channel, those pest control videos get a suspicious amount of views.

Ones I've seen have all been dogos. There maybe you can rent em and send your birds to Puerto Rico for winter.

| I use rat traps in my attic for the flying squirrels which try to get in there during winter and they work well, but this is at a higher scale.

| Either traps, poison, or hunt em yourself

| tl;dr, may be above someone already suggested the next: maybe boric acid (powder) mixed with the yolk of boiled eggs, placed as bait?

| Never tried, but those barrel + peanut butter in the middle looks effective

| Mount a set of spring-loaded, cast-iron jaws on a small piece of wood and place some cheese on the trigger.


| get a cat

| >>1026883
TOGETHER with apartment! *grinned*

| Thank you for the answers. I'll get back to you in a couple of months.

| Good luck!

| Good luck!

| Good luck!

| Thanks!

| Just shoot them with a machine gun

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