Post number #1026746, ID: a17d15
are they actually charitable in giving anything
since they give in expectation of return too, as they must
Post number #1026750, ID: 255562
Poor or rich if I gave sex to someone they are charitable enough to give sex back to me.
Post number #1026755, ID: d870b0
it's a defect of production. We over did it and now we're expecting ourselfs to fix it. Let's say that humanity as a whole is not a very responsable person.
Post number #1026787, ID: a17d15
>>1026755 sounds like you are putting on third person to make it easier to distance yourself.
Post number #1026854, ID: 38d82e
Divinity has nothing to do with poverty. Anyone who says otherwise has a vested interest in keeping others poor.
Post number #1026856, ID: d77125
>>1026854 divinity has everything to do with poverty. Anyone who says others has a defult judgement in keeping otherwise divine.
Total number of posts: 6,
last modified on:
Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1725693943
| are they actually charitable in giving anything
since they give in expectation of return too, as they must