It's my second week of university and I'm lost.

| My schedule was fucked up for the first week and now that my classes are right I am SOO lost and it's only been two weeks how is this possible?

I am so stressed out and scared, I don't want to fail my classes but the professors have so many students that I'm just a drop in the bucket...

G/u/rls, I fear I may be cooked..

| have sex about it

| >>1026723 Typical danger/u/ response

| >>1026723 Also I literally haven't been able to stay hard with my gf because of the stress man it's so fucking bad

| Don't worry you'll get used to it and it gets better

| Literally skill issue

| >>1026725 you can buy viagra to help with your erectile dysfunction. have sex and have fun.
no boys on the internet, btw.

| Talk to your professors/TAs. Fuck the "drop in the bucket" bullshit, they're there specifically to help you.

| And if they won't help, have sex with them in return for good grades.

| >>1026728 they're a lesbiab

| let sex pave your path to victory

| Dude, like its not a huge deal just do what you can. If you fail some classes its totally ok. You can retake them next year. (If you are paying for the uni then.. I wish your family richness)

| What do you mean lost, like it's confusing, or is there just too many classes that you've overwhelmed?

Just do what you can, g/u/rl. Start strategizing if you have to. Don't aim for a high grade, just go for acceptable. If a class is not salvageable, better to just let it fail than taking your time away from classes that you can still work for.

But, like, it's only been two weeks. Chill out, you'll get used to it.

| >>1026730
Yeah!!! I wanna see you succeed too! There were no clubs I liked my first few years but I found one yesterday, make your gf help you study. (I was gonna offer but *sniff sniff* I hope you too are h-happy together

| >>1026786

I have ADHD and Dyscalculia which I just found out recently and I'm fucking so behind in math classes and my first week of class was fucked so now it's a huge game of catch up, I'm not gonna just roll over though gonna work through this man thank u

| >>1026805

I recently found a club that I'm kinda into, they're chill and I can do my laundry for free at their house so that's a big W

| >>1026730

My one professor literally just does notes on the project in silence lmao

| Yay!!!!! ^^
You can make friends there and study together!

Total number of posts: 18, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1725679247

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