Why do normies like avocado so much?

| ffs avocado toast isn't even good
plus the aftertaste is fucking terrible

| its good as hell i fucking love avocado. when my family packs camping food we bring one avocado per person per day. grilled cheese? put avocado on that shit. quesadilla? avocado. hamburger? sometimes i put more than one entire avocado on the hamburger, if it's big enough. i have that shit for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and in the middle of the night. peak flavor. peak texture. peak color even. eat more avocado

| Imagine not being able to enjoy avocado. I hope OP gets well soon.

| >>1026707 how in the blazing hells do you prepare a hamburger camping? does your dad carry a wholeass george foreman on his back into the appalachians?

| >>1026707 explain yourself. WHY do you like it so much

| >>1026714 Bro they have mini burners and shit like that, you have NEVER been camping and it SHOWS smh smh smdh tsk tsk tsk

| >>1026702 avocado terrible but even worse is pineapple!


this scene and whole anime feel as pineapple

| Advokado is really healthy for you and contain everything your body needs to function. You could replace a significant potion of your diet with advokado and still live a healthy/healthier life.

| Also they look like balls

| i ate a full avocado to the pit once and my friend teased me like "damn you love devouring balls" and now i hate her and avocados

| Add some cum to your avocado for better taste

| >>1026716 tasty and greeeeeeen

| I don’t like them very much either but yeah… I could be healthier

| I fucking HATE avocados' taste
In my fucking country they fucking love them even tho I hate them

| >>1026833

| Would eat them if they have less calorie. 1 fruit is more than 100 cal, I'd rather eat other fruits

| >>1026848

| ur still ok even if ur fat. i like ppl : )
pls dont hurt urself or othrs its all good and you can take that drug ivercterin

Total number of posts: 18, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1725742737

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