I am a skibidi male

| A new, more sophisticated and evolved version of sigma male which is more proactive and cunning than other versions of the male

| hope you get in a traffic accident

| Hope that your soup is cold and your salad is hot

| >>1026599 I already did, I re-routed your internet traffic

>>1026601 for sure, just as I like it!

| I give this hawk out of tua

| >>1026604 thank you!

| >>1026575
I didn’t like this post so much
But this one made me smile! And it wouldn’t have happened without you trying your first! Go gurl go!!! Mwah mwah mwah!

| >>1026615 I'm glad you liked it!

| >>1026620
I'm eagerly awaiting your next posts now! I'd put check danger/u/ for gurl's posts <3 with a cute heart on my calendar, but well... I'm here every hour.

Do you have any hints about what your next threat will be like?


| >>1026641 wow, you're my skibidiest soldier

| Go back to toilet

| >>1026661 ok

| OK general!

| >>1026575 why are you bald?

| >>1026575 so you can lick my pussy?

| >>1026704 yea
>>1026701 becoz i fukken lol'd

| Skibidi g/u/rls assemble

| Burn

Total number of posts: 18, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1725662604

This thread is closed.