my physical health is deteriorating

| i have a headache every day. i'm bleeding out the ass and my throat's sore all the time. can't get out of bed for being so tired some days. i can't fucking sleep right, and that's fucking up my brain and my lungs and my heart, which just makes me more anxious. sometimes when i wake up in the middle of the night i hallucinate, and today my vision is blurred and i can't fucking read shit outside of 10 inches from my eyes. how cooked am i

| Good job, keep it up!

| Go to the hospital, g/u/rl.
You might meet a cute nurse or someone in the psych ward!

| Cute

| 1. Check your blood pressure. You might need medication.
2. Check for sleep apnea because blurred vision etc can be a sign of oxygen deprevation.
3. Hydrate for better sleep.
4. Eat properly, preferably at the same time every day.

Bonus. Meditate. Studies shows that meditating once for 17 minutes will lead to permanent improvements in cognitive functions such as concentration. https://youtu.be/hFL6qRIJZ_Y?t=4615

| Sounds like radiation poisoning, like I know living in Chernobyl is cheap but come on dude.

| make sure to remember when you need to poop!

| >>1026592
Yea! I got scared to once for a week and I had to go to the hospital!

But >>1026556 this sounds like really good advice

Tell us how it goes and if you meet any cuties!!

| thanks for the advice g/u/rls. the nurse was kinda cute but too old for me. they also said my blood pressure was probably getting low at night, it's normally low but not dangerous during the day for me and i just increased my spiro dose. (also im a neet who doesn't fucking exercise anymore) they didn't give me meds or anything but they emailed me a list of doctors to talk to if it continued. mostly though i am just stressed out and anxious and going a little insane

| >>1026705
Such a good g/u/rl for going to get it checked out! I hope it gets better <3

| g/u/rl just drink more water!

| >>1026705 cut

| >>1026729 no thanks i am planning to abuse drugs instead

| >>1026756 good

| >>123fa7 >>9ab485

| I’m really happy to went gurl! I would exercise with you : )
Please don’t hurt yourself I feel queasy thinking about it, I wish I could actually make you feel better.
I think not being a neet might help. I think there’s a lot of good you could do for people out in the world. I would certainly like to meet a fellow g/u/rl out in the world. I’ll in college now and the loneliness is hard, and I haven’t gotten any jobs or internships either. So I know it’s hard. Good luck!!!

| ^ this

| I hope she’ll give us an update!!!

| >>1026920
She's too busy abusing drugs and not learning learning lessions.

| I think she can do it at least some times, and when she can’t she deserves nice rest : )

I try to do that too

| Update- My friend sent me this video and said I need to become more contentious
Can someone give a QRD on how? I'm scared of jordan peterson... but I kinda want him to cry while breeding me hard and shouting.

| >>1026996 try ODing

| >>1026932 i'm not abusing drugs. i stopped drinking recently, and i was thinking about drinking again, so i was wanting some chemical assistance at the time. that being said, i have been having edibles every once in a while, which was unfortunately part of the problem.

so all those miscellaneous health issues were being immediately caused by blood pressure. the high blood pressure, however, was caused by serotonin syndrome.

| this was determined by the fact that I had a seizure last night, as well as lots of the other symptoms lining up. since it was a short one, i did not go to ER, but i definitely should have. instead i am seeing my psychiatrist in a few days. based on my googling this was probably caused by an interaction between the weed and the SSRI that I'm on. I'm also just not really depressed anymore, due to getting an actual HRT dose, so i probably didn't need the prozac anymore.

| i am staying with a friend so that if i have another seizure i can get transported.

surprising to me is the fact that nobody told me that this was an interaction. it's not even on the psychonaut wiki, so i assume it's pretty rare. that being said, i am not touching anything stronger than chocolate for a year at least, cause i'm kinda scared to death of anything brain affecting now.

| i'm also gonna ramp off the prozac and probably never take a psychiatric medication again. not a single one i have tried has been worth the side effects. maybe in a few years i might try adhd meds.

stay safe gurls. don't mix your prescription drugs with anything and don't trust the for-profit medical system. i'll post again if anything else happens.

| Oh no! Thank you for telling us though. Seratonin syndrome is scary stuff. Yeah that’s how I am with my brain too. I’ve got a psychiatrist appointment this week because I think I’m a little bipolar and really struggle to focus. I’ll try to be careful, idk, I’ve not gotten a lot out of the life style changes I’ve tried to make but yeah…

| damn i don't know like half of those terms

| >>1027148
Maybe you never needed to learn them! Can you teach us about what you learned instead? Particularly aquarium maintenance? I just got one and I don’t know it yet and I have shrimp.

| bump bc i gotta reply later after some sleep and i dont want it this thread to drop yet

| Yeah thinking of our g/u/rl I hope she’s feeling good

Total number of posts: 31, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1726321332
