*throws smoke bomb*






| (▔▀ ‿ ▀ )ლ ▂▂⌇

| Where did g/u/rl go!? She was here just a second ago..

| Cough cough- I can’t see her!

| *gangbang* ohh sorry

| Dagnabbit! We lost the g/u/rl!!!

| Spread out and search the area! She has to be here somewhere...

| In my youth, I'd buy industrial grade smoke sticks thst put out lightly toxic colored smoke for up to 8 hours and were probably proginally designed as ways to signal aircraft and just set them off in the woods until the smoke was so thick you could barely see and then try to make my way home before I was caught because the local police and fire station were trying to find whomever was setting them off b/c they thought it was arson but it was just me and I laugh about it now =)

| OMG that's awesome

| How???

Total number of posts: 14, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1725624266

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